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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
A Jar of Positivity

A Jar of Positivity

A lesson linked with Feelings, Emotions, Mindfulness, Mental Health and Well Being and Self-Esteem. This is a great lesson on its own, or accompanied by a jar(empty sweet jar will do) filled with positive sayings, pictures or quotations. Great lesson to start the New Year or Term in a positive way. Children can use the* Postits* on page 3 to write some notes and plan what they will put into their own jar. They can work in pairs or groups for this or on their own. This resource compliments the 72 Thinking Positively Cards available on my shop also.
Let's Write about Keeping Healthy KS1

Let's Write about Keeping Healthy KS1

4 writing frames for KS1 with a health theme. Each shows a picture and room for children to write a word or sentence about the picture. Children will recognise some of the symbols related to health and wellbeing and including Covid symbols such as masks and social distancing.
Wellbeing Cards for KS1

Wellbeing Cards for KS1

5 colour sheets with 8 wellbeing cards on each to cut out. Each card shows an activity to discuss with children when thinking about their wellbeing and what they can do to support their wellbeing. Cut and laminate the cards and they can then be a lasting reusable resource or added to a wellbeing display. Children could work in pairs or with an adult to consider which of the cards would suit them and which they would not be interested in. They can make 2 piles. If there are other activities children come up with, then they could make some more cards of their own. Links to behaviour regulation. May be valuable too, for SEND children.
The Senses Doodles Worksheets KS1

The Senses Doodles Worksheets KS1

5 worksheets based on the Senses - look, listen, touch, taste, smell. Each sheet has a different sense as it’s theme. Children can colour these in and discuss them. They can then create a doodle sheet of their own for one or more of the senses.
Tools Doodle Fun KS1

Tools Doodle Fun KS1

Links to World of Work, Occupations, Jobs and People who help us. There are 3 doodle sheets with a focus on tools that are used for different trades or purposes. Sheet 1 is more general, sheet 2 relates to painting and decorating and sheet 3 is to do with car mechanics. Opportunities for speaking and listening, learning new vocabulary and thinking about the jobs people do and the tools they may need.
Talk about the Jobs People Do

Talk about the Jobs People Do

A speaking and listening activity linked to topics such as the World of Work, Occupations, Jobs and the Community. A good activity for those learning English as a second language too. Page 1 shows a collection of 25 people - some of these characters have the same or similar jobs and some are jobs that are open to interpretation. Page 2 gives a list of 7 possible questions or activities to start and develop discussions for individuals or groups.
20 Thoughts of the Day PPT KS2

20 Thoughts of the Day PPT KS2

Link this PPT to any topic on Ourselves, About Me and /or Mental Health. There are 20 slides that you could use daily or as a complete PSHE lesson where children can talk together in pairs, groups or as a class. Children can consider what messages they get from the slides. They could go on to do some written work or to design their own posters around mental health.
24 Thought for the Day Thinking Cards KS2

24 Thought for the Day Thinking Cards KS2

4 pages of colour cards with 6 to a page. The cards each contain a message or phrase for children to think about and discuss. Use on your Thought of the Day board if you have one, or you could ask the children to create one. A good speaking and listening resource which can encourage children to talk in pairs, groups or as a class and help to develop self-awareness and confidence.
Occuptions Flash Cards and Worksheets

Occuptions Flash Cards and Worksheets

A complete set of resources for your topic on World of Work, Jobs or Occupations. Suitable for EYFS and KS1. There are 18 colour flashcards showing characters working in different roles/jobs. There are 8 worksheets with a range of cross curricular activities. Sheets 1, 2 and 3 Children name the occupation from looking at the colour characters and match these up with the titles of their jobs. Sheet 4 Children match up the workers with the objects related to their jobs. Sheet 5 List writing occupations using the template with picture border to support. Sheet 6 Children complete 6 Identification badges for given occupations by drawing or writing a phrase or sentence. Sheet 7 A fill in the missing word sheet using the key at the bottom of the page. Sheet 8 Children use the template to write a simple job application.
Staying Safe in the Sun Activities

Staying Safe in the Sun Activities

Activities for EYFS/KS1 and SEND pupils with a Science theme. There is a colour poster showing symbols connected to staying safe in the sun. Children can discuss these and label them. The same poster is also in black and white for children to colour in and label. Children can fill in sheet 3 with as many ways of staying safe in the sun that they can think of. They can draw or write in the writing frame. Next is a simple poem to share with your class called ‘Having fun in the sun’. Children can listen out for symbols or pictures shown in the posters. Then, they can write their own poem or story in the template given. For a complete lesson, add props such as sun hats, sun cream and sun glasses and children can handle these and use their senses. Boardmaker licenced
10 CHANGE cards to think or talk about

10 CHANGE cards to think or talk about

Here is a set of 10 colour cards to cut out, laminate and use in your classroom discussions. Each card is designed to be engaging but also stimulating for discussions around feelings and emotions associated with change. This allows children to better understand, communicate, and navigate changes in their lives.
World of Work Occupations KS1

World of Work Occupations KS1

3 activity sheets based on the theme of World of Work for KS1. Sheet 1 shows 20 characters with props that suggest their occupations. Children can make a list of what jobs they think the people do and then write the corresponding numbers next to the characters. Sheet 3 gives suggestions that may support the children in their choices and with their written work. Sheet 2 shows 4 characters and asks the children to add props to each person to indicate what jobs they might do. They can then write the titles underneath the pictures. Sheet 3 can also be used for children to draw pictures of occupations or props and /or to write the words.
Ways of Taking Care of Ourselves KS1

Ways of Taking Care of Ourselves KS1

A set of worksheets based on Ourselves and how we can take care of ourselves. Shows Robbie Rabbit and the ways he takes care of himself. Children write out the ways he does this in word, sentence or list form. 2/3. There are 2 sheets - a girl and a boy sheet - children draw their own ways of looking after themselves and write about these. 4 / 5. These show bears exercising indoors and out. Children write in the templates showing they are aware of how exercise and well - being can take place indoors and outdoors. This is a lovely colour sheet showing foods that are and are not healthy for you. Children are asked to distinguish between them and write a list of all the healthy foods.
Looking after Ourselves KS1 Worksheets

Looking after Ourselves KS1 Worksheets

3 activities to for children at KS1 to think about looking after their hygiene. Activity 1 Write or match the words from the word bank to match the pictures Activity 2 Cut out the picture cards and write a sentence about each item Activity 3 Write the sequence of how we keep our hands clean
Colouring Book  'Sadie and her Red Shiny Shoes'

Colouring Book 'Sadie and her Red Shiny Shoes'

A wonderfully illustrated colouring book to go with the picture book: Sadie and her Red Shiny Shoes 10 colouring sheets included : Sadie and her Red Shiny Shoes Sadie and dad in the garden Sadie and her best friend Una Sadie plays football Sadie plays in the sand tray Sadie has a birthday Sadie loves elephants Sadie plays with Fluff the cat Sadie and Daisy make a snowman Sadie at Christmas
My Best Friend

My Best Friend

Write about what Sadie likes and dislikes. Write about what you and your best friend like. Write short descriptions and key words to describe your self and best friend.
All about Me Statements to Sort KS1

All about Me Statements to Sort KS1

This is a speaking and listening activity and works well in pairs or small groups. There are 24 colour cards to cut out. Children discuss the cards and decide if the statements are positive or negative. They can then sort them into 2 sets. Can they change the negative statements into positive ones? The final sheet is a writing frame where children can make 2 lists - positive and negative statements. The first one is written for them. Links to About You and Healthy Lifestyles.
This is Me Writing and Drawing Frame

This is Me Writing and Drawing Frame

A writing and drawing frame where children can describe themselves in words and pictures. Examples are hobbies, favourite food, best friend and my family. There are 2 frames for children to fill in and a blank template for you or the children to use to extend the work. There are worked colour examples to show the children before they start work. Great for transition work, sharing with a new teacher or new pupil or for displays on Ourselves or all about Me.
Copycat Yoga Pairs Card Game

Copycat Yoga Pairs Card Game

Early years and KS1 children enjoy this game where they find pairs of cards and attempt to copy the Yoga poses. There are 10 pairs of colour cards to cut out and laminate and then they can be reused. Link with your PE or Mindfulness lessons. Children could also draw or paint based on the Yoga cats showing movement.